
3 app to be installed in chemical engineers cellphone

Booster Your Chemical Engineering Skills with 3 Smartphone APP

Your smartphone can be of great help in your job as Chemical Process Engineer. Instead of using the computer to evaluate or solve some issues, you can rely on smartphone APP to get quick answers.

Now I will share with you 3 APPs I believe will help you to improve your chemical process engineering calculation.

You can find them in Apple Store or Google Play Store.

1) Gas Converter #Linde
Who works with Industrial Gases knows how troublesome can be dealing with different units during calculation. Convert mass to volume, volume to standard etc is something that can be quickly verified in this APP. Besides on the app has the properties for 15 industrial gases.

Combining a maximum of usability with a sleek design the Linde Gas Converter app allows the user to convert very easily between liquid and gaseous units. In addition, the customer gets further information like enthalpy, boiling point or values of different temperatures (0°C, 15°C, 20°C).

Messer, Praxair and AirProduct have similar APP also.

Gas Converter Linde

2) Steam Tool #SpiraxSarco
When talking about steam, SpiraxSarco app is the one you can rely on. You will get info about Boiler house system, steam pipeline system, steam valve sizing steam metering, unit convertion, steam table etc just to name a few features that is available in the APP. from steam table to a bunch of calculation like steam valve size, pressure drop and steam metering to name a few.

This app is free and provides you with quick and easy access to over 40 basic calculators and tables which serve as a guide for steam engineers. This app includes steam tables, calculators to help you reduce the cost to raise steam plus steam valve sizing calculators to name but a few.

3) Chemical Resistance Chart #Burkert
This APP guides the chemical process engineer to the chemical resistance of different materials against more than 450 chemicals, including basic chemicals, commercial products, liquid foods and beverages.

BONUS) HP48 Droid48

Did you know that you can use HP48 in your smartphone? This is the app I use most. Instead of having a giant calculator to do calculation, I use my celphone.

There are many others useful APP outthere. Tell me your favorite one in the comments.

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