
List of Documents

A great amount of documents is developed during process design. Some of them are specific for project phase others will be part of plant operations and subject to periodic assessment. Document List is where all documents related to a plant or a project are identified.

To clarify, any document has it’s on identification usually shown in a stamp. Number, description, revision, issued data and approval at a minimum. Document List summarizes some of that info in a list.

As Process Engineer you should make sure that you are working based on the latest issued document. Besides that, you need to guarantee that people will not have the same revision with different information. Some companies has a document management system software for that purpose. Others do revision control manually.

Personally I believe that Document List is underestimated sometimes. It helps to identify which document needs to be issued by the team and if those ones related to the plant approval and/or subject to plant assessment will be available to Operations.

Do you know the Document List of your Project or Industrial Plant? Watch the video below to know the main engineering deliverables chemical process engineers must issue during plant design.

Subscribe to my social media to get more about chemical process engineering and plant design at www.jefersoncosta.com.

Process Design

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